Membership in the Chorale is open to all those who enjoy singing the masterworks of choral literature. Choral experience and the ability to read music are highly recommended. Proof of vaccination, wearing a mask and social distancing is required.
Dues are $100.00 for the Fall or Spring season, $190 for the full year. A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available; we’re open as well to payment plans. Contact our board vice-president, Norb Promo (, or our treasurer, Fred Brinker (, for more information. The cost of music is included in the dues. Tucson Masterworks Chorale is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Dues and contributions are tax deductible under Federal and Arizona tax law.
Rehearsals are held every Monday evening from 7 to 9:15 p.m. We typically rehearse on holidays! Occasionally our Director will ask us to stay late. Be sure to arrive at all rehearsals a few minutes early, ready to begin singing at 7 p.m.; bring a pencil (and eraser). Kindly refrain from perfumes and scented lotions as some members are allergic. Please turn off all electronic devices so that you may give your full attention to the director and avoid disrupting the focus of everyone around you during rehearsal.
Attendance is expected at each rehearsal. However, if you don’t feel good, don’t come to practice. We always want you to err on the side of caution during the pandemic. Contact your section leader to let them know you won’t be coming and practice at home.
Home Practice
It is expected that you will spend some time learning your music each week, in addition to rehearsals. Our choral rehearsals are intended to work on balance, phrasing, and all aspects of musicality. They are not meant to be note-pounding sessions. Helpful links to performances and other practice materials can be found on the password-protected Singers Only page of our Web site at
Concert Dress
The required black concert dress ensures that the Chorale as a group presents a uniform appearance for this fall’s concert. Options include black long-sleeved dress shirt with a collar; black dress slacks; black socks and shoes. Note: Brown, gray, charcoal, or blue items are not acceptable. Options also include long, black concert dress with ¾ sleeves or the available separates– black top with ¾ sleeves with black floor length skirt or black pants and black shoes.
Ticket Sales And Program Ads
Chorale members are encouraged to sell both Tickets and Program Ads to their family, friends, and local businesses. The Ad Form is available on the Advertise tab, to fill out and submit online. Ads are due back with payment no later than Date TBD.
Your Board of Directors
The Chorale operates with an all-volunteer Board of Directors, which meets monthly throughout the year. Members and guests are invited to attend Board meetings. Volunteers are integral to the smooth operation of the organization. This is your chorale; we want to hear your questions and concerns! Go to the Singers Only page to see the names and contact information of your board members.
Section Leaders
Section Leaders volunteer to take attendance and to relay information to and from the Director and the Board, and the section’s singers. Contact information for the Section Leaders is available on the Singers Only page. Please let your section leader know in advance if you are unable to attend a rehearsal or will be late to arrive.
Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Our Host
Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is a gracious host to us. Please be a considerate guest. Do not place anything on the altar. Pick up all belongings and debris before you leave rehearsals. Thanks!